Mental Care Foundation


Mental Care Foundation offers basic, free, safe, and anonymous support to help you better manage the psychological and social difficulties you might be facing.

Our community is here to support you through anything, big or small.


Our Solutions

We are intrepidly putting a stop to the stigma. At Mental Care Foundation, we hold the opinion that everyone has a role to play to change the narrative of mental health in Nigeria.
Together, we can help each other emotionally, we can stop the stigma, and be the most powerful instrument of change.
Here’s how:

Introducing Fitila

A listening ear to your deepest troubles

Fitila connects you with anonymous listeners who truly understand and are ready to give free emotional support until you are back on your feet.
Do you need someone to talk to in a language that gives you the freedom to express yourself?
  • FITILA trained volunteer listeners are available 24 /7 to give emotional support over online chat.
  • Our trained listeners don’t judge, they don't try to solve problems, neither do they tell you what to do. They just listen and give you a safe space you need to say your mind.
  • Your chat is anonymous and entirely free.

Volunteers of the Month


Racheal Abiola

Physicist and technician

"A passionate mental health advocate"

Kaothar Bello

Social Worker

"Kaothar is a mental health advocate and passionate social worker"

Help Us Do More